Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Grid Connection Update (10/08/23)
Subsequent to the conclusion of a follow up appraisal by National Grid ESO (NGESO) in collaboration with the Transmission Owner, National Grid Electricity Transmission, we are able to confirm that we will no longer pursue the Lincolnshire Node connection option for the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project. We will continue development activities at the remaining two potential study areas for the substation location, one in the Surfleet Marsh area (previously referred to as Weston Marsh North) and one in the Weston Marsh area (previously referred to as Weston Marsh South). The assessment methodology used by National Grid ESO considered the four network design objectives used within the Holistic Network Design analysis: economic and efficient, deliverable and operable, minimise environmental impact, minimise community impact. Two options were considered: Lincolnshire Connection Node, and Weston Marsh.
Outer Dowsing will take the feedback gained in the Phase 2 consultation and work with the transmission owner, National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET), as it carries out further design assessments in the area, to prepare for a consultation in the Autumn to help inform the design for our final consent application.
Based on the outcome of surveys and consultations, we can also confirm that we will reach the connection point via the cable route labelled 1a (the route further away from the coast, west of the A52). Outer Dowsing will cease development activities along the cable route 1 option (the route closer to the coast, east of the A52)
Our statutory consultation closed on July 21st, but we are still able to address questions on the project. These should be directed to contact@outerdowsing.com
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