Outer Dowsing is located 33 miles offshore where the wind reaches higher speeds than on land due to the lack of obstacles and different weather conditions. Wind speeds do vary, and to mitigate against this Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind will be part of a UK-wide network of other power generators, interconnectors and energy storage facilities. The diverse locations and different operating characteristics of these facilities will help produce reliable power that can be directed by the National Grid to customers where and when they need it.
Blog Archives
Autumn Consultation (October to November 2023)
- Autumn Consultation online exhibition
- Autumn Consultation refined maps
- Autumn Consultation draft location plan – offshore
- Updated visualisations of our indicative substation design and proposed planting plans at Surfleet Marsh
- Environmental Update Report
- Section 48 notice
- Autumn Consultation invitation with details of in-person events
- Exhibition panels download
- Autumn Consultation Afternoon Webinar
- Autumn Consultation Evening Webinar
Phase 2 (PEIR) Consultation (June to July 2023)
Phase 1a Consultation (February to March 2023)
Phase 1 Consultation (October to November 2022)
Targeted Consultation (December 2023 to January 2024)
Procedural Deadline 19th Sept 2024
DCO application
8. Other Reports and Documents
All documents beginning 8.1 will form part of the Code of Construction
Practice to be submitted as part of the DCO Application.
8.1.1 Outline Noise and Vibration Management Plan
8.1.2 Air quality management plan
8.1.3 Outline Soil management plan
8.1.4 Outline Pollution Prevention and Emergency Incident Response Plan
8.1.5 Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan
8.1.7 Outline Public Access Management Plan
8.1.8 Outline Preliminary Crossing Schedule Onshore
8.1.9 Outline Preliminary Crossing Schedule Offshore
8.1.10 Outline Artificial Light Emissions Management Plan
8.3 Outline Biodiversity and Marine Net Gain Principles and Approach
8.4 Outline Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol
8.5 Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation Offshore
8.6 Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation Onshore
8.7 Landscape and Ecology Design Principles Plan (LEDPP)
7. Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment (RIAA)
7.1 Draft Without Prejudice Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment
7.2 Draft Without Prejudice Benthic Compensation Strategy
7.3 Draft Without Prejudice Offshore Ornithology Compensation Strategy
7.4 Draft Without Prejudice Offshore Artificial Nesting Structures Ecological Evidence and Roadmap
7.5 Draft Without Prejudice Predator Reduction Ecological Evidence and Roadmap
7.6 Draft Without Prejudice Fisheries Management Ecological Evidence and Roadmap