Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind is a 1.5 GW wind farm that is being developed 54km (33 miles) off the Lincolnshire coast by TotalEnergies, Corio Generation (a portfolio company of Macquarie Asset Management operating on a standalone basis) and Gulf Energy Development. Underground cables would carry the power from a landfall site at Wolla Bank to a new onshore substation at Surfleet Marsh. We see huge value in local knowledge and are committed to working with communities and stakeholders as we finalise our proposals.

In addition to the consultations below we are consulting with landowners in the area. If you have received correspondence from ODOW please refer to the deadlines provided as they may differ from the deadlines provided below. 


Based on feedback from our Autumn Consultation, we are running a targeted consultation to seek feedback on some updates to Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind’s project plans in preparation for our DCO application which will be submitted in Q1 2024. This Targeted Statutory Consultation under section 42(1) of the Planning Act 2008 is to consult on proposed amendments to our onshore plans. In particular we wish to seek views on the following changes:

  • Refinement of landscaping to better align with landownership boundaries to prevent severed land and enable access for maintenance;
  • Addition of drainage works adjacent to the landscaping to mitigate landowner concerns of potential impacts of planting on land drainage;
  • Amendments to accesses following landowner consultation;
  • Re-location and removal of passing places following design optimisation studies;
  • Removal and re-location of construction compounds based on engineering refinements and landowner feedback; and
  • Refinement of landfall works to accommodate optimised engineering design and environmental mitigation.

Given that these changes only effect a small proportion of consultees, we are holding a targeted consultation. This means that all those who are potentially affected by the changes will be contacted and invited to take part in this consultation.

There are a range of ways to learn and provide feedback on the project plans, you can:

Links to Targeted Consultation Resources:


In the summer of 2023, we welcomed over 430 consultees to our consultation events and received many valuable insights. Thank you to all those who gave your feedback. Combined with the feedback that we have received from our previous rounds of consultation, we have been able to further refine our project designs.

Our Autumn Consultation sought feedback on Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind’s updated project plans in preparation for our DCO application which will be submitted in February 2024. There are a range of ways to learn and provide feedback on the project plans; we prepared an online exhibition, we hosted two online webinars as well as five in person public information events. Information was also available at local spaces across Lincolnshire and available for download on this web page. Please see the consultation leaflet in the resource section below for more details.

Consultees were invited to:

  • Attend our online exhibition and complete the feedback form
  • Meet us in person at one our five public information day events
  • Speak with us online at one of our two live webinars
  • Review the materials at one of the information points
  • Email us on contact@outerdowsing.com
  • Call us free of charge on 0808 175 2970
  • Write to us at FREEPOST ODOW

Links to Autumn Consultation resources:

Autumn Consultation online exhibition
Visit our online exhibition to view the same panels shown at the public consultation events from the comfort of your own home.

Autumn Consultation refined maps
View the refined cable corridor, use the interactive map to measure distance and access google and .kmz files showing the project plans.

Autumn Consultation draft location plan – offshore
View the offshore draft location plan as a PDF.

Updated visualisations of our indicative substation design and proposed planting plans at Surfleet Marsh
Review our refined substation plans along with our planting scheme complete with details of the species of tree and hedgerow we are considering to plant close to the substation.

Environmental Update Report
Review our Environmental Update Report to learn more about how the refined elements of the Project are considered in terms of the Project’s Environmental Impact Assessment.

Other resources:

Online webinars

Our online webinars took place on Thursday 26 October at 1pm and 7pm. You can view the videos of the webinars here:


Below you can access the various chapters of the PEIR.

The Non-Technical Summary is also available here

1.1       Guide to the Formal Consultation Material.

We recommend everyone reads this guide to help them understand the submission documents and where to find what they are looking for.

4.1      Scoping Report

The report as submitted at Scoping, to inform the items for included for consultation and for DCO Application.

Non-Technical Summary

6.1.0    Non-Technical Summary

We recommend everyone reads this summary to help them understand the submission documents and where to find what they are looking for.


6.1.7    Marine Physical Processes

   Physical Processes Technical Baseline

   Physical Processes Modelling Report

6.1.8    Marine Water and Sediment Quality

   Water Framework Directive

6.1.9    Benthic and Intertidal Ecology

   Benthic Ecology Technical Report (Array)

   Benthic Ecology Technical Report (ECC)

   Intertidal Technical Report

   Marine Conservation Zone Assessment

6.1.10 Fish and Shellfish Ecology

   Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Baseline

6.1.11 Marine Mammals

   Marine Mammals Technical Baseline

6.1.12 Offshore and Intertidal Ornithology

   Offshore and Intertidal Ornithology Baseline Characterisation Report

   Collision Risk Modelling Assessment Annex

   Displacement Assessment Annex

6.1.13 Marine and Intertidal Archaeology

   Marine and Intertidal Archaeological Technical Report

6.1.14 Commercial Fisheries

   Commercial Fisheries Technical Report

6.1.15 Shipping and Navigation

   Navigational Risk Assessment

6.1.16 Aviation, Radar, Military and Communication

   Aviation Technical Report

6.1.17 Seascape, Landscape and Visual

  SLVIA Methodology

  SLVIA Figures Wirelines and Visualisations

6.1.18 Marine Infrastructure and Other Users

  Helicopter Access Report


6.1.19 Onshore Air Quality

  Onshore Air Quality Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology

  Non-Road Mobile Machinery Emissions Assessment

  Offshore Activities Assessment

  Road Traffic Dispersion Modelling

6.1.20 Onshore Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

  Onshore Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Desk-Based Assessment

  Onshore Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Statement

6.1.21 Onshore Ecology

  Onshore Ecology Ecological Desk-Based Assessment

  Initial Habitat Survey

  Preliminary Roost Surveys for Bats

  Birds Species List

6.1.23 Geology and Ground Conditions

6.1.24 Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Flood Risk

6.1.25 Land Use

6.1.26 Noise and Vibration

  Sound Level Meter Calibration Certificates

  Full Baseline Survey Results

  Construction Plant List

  Noise Model Outputs

6.1.27 Traffic and Transport

  Traffic and Transport Technical Baseline Report – Part 1

– split into two for website download, but available as one document

  Traffic and Transport Technical Baseline Report – Part 2

– split into two for website download, but available as one document

  Traffic and Transport Trip Generation

6.1.28 Landscape and Visual Assessment

  Landscape and Visual Assessment Visualisations – Part 1

– split into two for website download, but available as one document

  Landscape and Visual Assessment Visualisations – Part 2

– split into two for website download, but available as one document

Previous consultations

Please click here for details of our previous consultations